Episode 14 – Supporting the Heart of the Child with Lael Stone (Part Two)
Research shows that when children feel safe (free from judgment, treated with kindness and respect, valued for their differences), their neurological system becomes fully operational, increasing their capacity for learning and growth. In the second half of my conversation with Lael Stone, we are talking about Woodline Primary school which is driven and centered around supporting and nurturing children’s emotional wellbeing within an emotionally safe learning environment. It’s a one of a kind school, purpose built with the aim for children to utilise their time to develop critical life skills such as emotional intelligence, self-expression, critical thinking and a growth mindset.
Listen as Bronte and Lael continue the conversation and discuss:
Connection over curriculum and what that looks and more importantly feels like. Emotional capacity, self-expression, personal choice and agency and intrinsic motivation for our children to meet their potential. The logistics and challenges of learning against the norm. Moments of magic as we grow as both a community, as humans and within the education space.
For more information about Lael and her work you can find the details on her website https://laelstone.com.au/ and to connect with Bronte and find out more please visit https://www.brontespicer.com/