Episode 14 – Supporting the Heart of the Child with Lael Stone (Part One)
Imagine a world where we created wellness in families through education, connection and communication. Where children really could feel a strong sense of self and who they are, with connection and love as a priority. Lael Stone concentrates on exactly this in her work alongside children and parents. Listen as Bronte and Lael discuss:Aware parenting and non-punitive disciplines in order to connect and lean into our children. Parenting in a way that feels kins, compassionate and connected. Our bodies natural inbuilt mechanisms for healing and fostering a safe expression for feelings and emotions. Loving limits and what expression looks like and how children provide cues in order to get their needs met. Children’s need for attachment, balance and connection.
Because this conversation ran deep and covered many aspects of both Lael’s and Bronte’s work; it has been split into two parts. The next episode also features Lael and her experience creating Woodline Primary School – which is an extension of this conversation and definitely worth a listen!
For more information about Lael and her work you can find the details on her website https://laelstone.com.au/ and to connect with Bronte and find out more please visit https://www.brontespicer.com/